
TOPEX/Poseidon: Perspectives on an Ocean Planet

- Mission Phases


The TOPEX/Poseidon Mission consists of five phases: Launch, Assessment, Initial Verification, Primary Observational, and Extended Observational.

The Launch Phase began with the arrival of the satellite at the launch site, where it was reassembled, tested, encapsulated within the launch vehicle, launched, and placed into an initial orbit.

The Assessment Phase was used to initialize and stabilize the satellite and its systems, and to verify its operational readiness. During the Assessment Phase, the satellite was moved to its operational orbit.

The five-month Initial Verification Phase provided an opportunity to calibrate and assess the sensors aboard TOPEX/Poseidon and optimize the algorithms which produce the science data products.

The priority of the Primary and Extended Observational Phases is to record scientific data and to maintain the satellite in a state which will allow the data to meet the mission goals. Combined, these phases last six years after launch, or as resources and satellite health permit.